How Long for TRT to Work?
It can be a challenge to determine how long it will take for TRT to work because the time it takes for TRT to produce results varies from person to person. Some people may experience positive changes within a few weeks, while others may not see any changes until they have been on TRT for several months. Keep reading to learn more about TRT and how long it takes to work.
What is TRT?
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a type of hormone therapy that involves the use of testosterone to treat symptoms of low testosterone levels in men.
When Should You Get a Prescription for TRT?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question since the question of whether you should get a prescription for TRT will depend on your individual situation. However, some general guidelines include:
If you are experiencing symptoms of low testosterone such as fatigue, low sex drive, and weight gain, then you should ask your doctor about whether TRT is right for you.
If you have been diagnosed with hypogonadism or if your testosterone levels are below their normal range, then you should also consider TRT.
If you are over the age of 40, then you may also want to consider TRT since testosterone levels naturally decline with age.
How Does TRT Work?
TRT works by restoring the body's natural production of testosterone. It does this by replacing the testosterone that is lost due to age, illness, or injury.
Side Effects of TRT
As with any medication or therapy, TRT can induce certain side effects. Most of them are minor, though, and can be addressed by your doctor. However, it's still important to be aware of them before you undergo treatment. The most common side effects of TRT are:-
Acne-Increased body hair
Weight gain
Decreased sperm count
Reduced libido
The next most common side effects are changes in lipid profiles. The same testosterone that raises your T-levels is also metabolized by the liver to produce cholesterol, so you'll see an increase in "bad" LDL cholesterol and a decrease in healthy HDL cholesterol. This is true of all TRT formulations. More importantly, this change occurs even if you're eating a low-fat diet. In fact, the treatment of hypogonadism with TRT can actually make lipid profiles worse if someone is already at risk for coronary artery disease or stroke. To avoid this, your doctor will monitor your cholesterol and other lipids carefully during your treatment. You may need to take medication(s) to keep your lipid levels where they should be. If you're overweight, obese, or have diabetes mellitus, you may need to adjust your diet and get more exercise to avoid weight gain (and thus an increase in lipids). This can also help lower your cholesterol. These lifestyle changes will improve your lipid profiles even beyond the improvement you enjoy from TRT. The last common side effect is aggravation of sleep apnea or its symptoms if you have it already. Testosterone, like all steroid hormones, impacts your breathing during sleep. It can make existing apnea worse or increase the number of times you stop breathing at night. This is particularly true if you're overweight, obese, or have a large neck circumference. This side effect can be difficult to address and may require surgery (for example, a tonsillectomy) for some patients. You'll also want to make sure you follow your doctor's directions for TRT usage. If you take too much or more than is advised, you may increase your risk of experiencing these problems. In addition to the side effects already mentioned, there are others that only affect particular patients. Your doctor will be aware of this and monitor you for any issues related to your TRT. That’s why it's very important to keep them informed throughout the treatment process.
How to Take TRT
Your dosage of TRT will be determined by your doctor. In most cases, you will need to take it once a day.
How Long Does it Take for TRT to Work?
The length of time it takes for TRT to produce results will vary from person to person and will also depend on why the person is receiving the treatment. That said, most men who begin testosterone therapy notice its effects within three to six weeks. TRT will not instantly increase a man's level of testosterone to that of a younger man, but it does raise low levels and helps the body function normally. The specific effects will depend on individual factors such as age and overall health, but patients may notice some benefits within four weeks.
How Do You Know if it's Working?
If you're not sure if your TRT is working, here are a few things you can do to find out:
Keep track of your symptoms. Note how you feel each day and whether your symptoms have improved.
Get regular blood tests to check your hormone levels.
Make sure you're following your doctor's instructions carefully.
Talk to your doctor if you're not seeing any improvement in your symptoms.
The effects of TRT will vary from person to person, but in general they should be noticeable within the first few weeks after the initial treatment. To ensure you're enjoying the therapy’s benefits and not running into any side effects, only take TRT under a doctor's supervision. Dr. Appel will help you decide if TRT is the right choice for you.
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February 18, 2022
Written By
Dr. Avidon Appel
Fact-checked By
Dr. Avidon Appel
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