Can Smoking Cause ED?

March 4, 2022
Fact-checked by Dr. Avidon Appel


Few people know that smoking can cause erectile dysfunction (ED). In fact, many smokers do not recognize the link between the two until it is too late. This article will explore the relationship between smoking and ED and discuss how quitting smoking can help alleviate ED symptoms.

Can Smoking Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Smoking can cause erectile dysfunction (ED) in a number of ways. First, smoking can damage the blood vessels and make them narrower. That results in less blood flow to the penis, which can lead to ED. Second, smoking can damage the nerves that are responsible for erections. That can also lead to ED.In addition, smoking can increase your risk of developing other health conditions that can lead to ED.

Eliminating ED

If you have ED and are a smoker, quitting smoking is one of the most important steps you can take for the sake of your health. Since smoking can cause ED, quitting will reduce the risk of getting it and help diminish its symptoms if you already have it.Quitting smoking also offers other health benefits, such as reducing your risk of heart disease, cancer, and other conditions.

Alternative Treatments

There are treatments for erectile dysfunction that do not involve quitting smoking such as Viagra or Cialis, but they may be less effective. Quitting smoking altogether is more medically advisable and presents a better opportunity for you to eliminate your ED.

Ways to Quit Smoking

There are many ways to quit smoking, including using nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers, or pills like Chantix or Zyban. You can also try quitting cold turkey or using a self-help program. Whichever way you choose, remember to be patient and stay positive.The treatments listed above work by altering your brain chemistry so that your cravings for cigarettes disappear after a few weeks or a few months. They will not rid you of your desire to smoke right away, but they can serve as a safer (albeit temporary) alternative.The best way to quit smoking is to take a prescription medication and devise a treatment plan with your doctor or pharmacist. That way, you'll create measurable goals for yourself and ensure that you only take safe forms of medication. In addition, your doctor can offer moral support and hold you accountable.


Ditching smoking can be a crucial step if you're seeking to overcome ED.Quitting smoking is not easy, but there are many ways to do it. Nicotine patches, gum, lozenges and other alternatives can help wean you off cigarettes by altering your brain chemistry. If you want to try a prescription medication, be sure to formulate a treatment plan with your doctor or pharmacist first.

See results on your first visit.

90% of the time ED can be treated and treated effectively.

March 4, 2022

Written By
Jake Peter

Fact-checked By
Dr. Avidon Appel

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About Author

Dr. Avidon Appel is the founder of Iron Mountain Men’s Health. He is an Internal Medicine Specialist based in Willow Grove, PA who specializes in men’s sexual health and hormone optimization and has over 19 years of experience in the medical field. He is a graduate of Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, as well as Saint Joseph’s University.


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